Greetings from Periwinkle Sue! My blog has been lowered in the priorities at my house lately, so looking back, since the last few years I’ve averaged ONE blog post per …
Barn Quilt, the Sequel “Live and Learn”
It’s barn quilt time again at Johnson Family Farms! It all started back in the spring of 2015 when I learned to make one myself. I did 5 blog posts …
Death, Taxes, and Creativity
Well, last week we had our taxes prepared. Before you all think we are way ahead of the game, I must explain: full time farmers have to file their taxes …
Pandemic Projects 5
Finally! “Will she ever be done with this?” you ask. Yes, rest assured, this is my last post about my Pandemic Projects. Phew! First, a few stragglers to share: My …
Pandemic Projects 4
Well, as I continue, I realize that I thought I would include many other projects that haven’t made the cut so far. I’ve decided to give them a quick nod …
Pandemic Projects 3
Well, I’ve got to keep pushing through this. I have to say, I think you may be surprised by a couple of my last pandemic projects, so stick with me. …
Pandemic Projects 2
In my second installment, let’s start with some shopping. I have always toyed with the idea of owning a serger. Last spring I started pursuing one. I searched for an …
Pandemic Projects
Trends and Keeping Up
When I was a young married woman, I remember shopping for colors and designs with which to decorate our home. Did I realize how much I was influenced in making …
Baby Quilt
In my quilting adventures, I have learned to call everything I make “practice!” It takes off the pressure for perfection and paves the way to my creative juices flowing. …
Planning, Organizing and FEAR
Ever feel like you spend way more time planning a sewing project than actually doing it? I’m one of those. Although I feel like the planning stages are very important, …
Decorating the Barn Addition
Well looking back on a blog from November of 2015, I found I never followed up on my promise to keep you posted on the installation of the recently purchased …
Replace or Repair?
You’ve heard it a million times. “This new appliance is only expected to last you an average of 10 years.” Ten years? That didn’t used to be the case. My …
Treasure from Holmes County, Ohio
Well, I’ve been lax on blogging. Lots happening in life. Today is my first installment of catching up. I’ve missed you! I made a quick trip to Holmes County in …
Dedication of the Bowery Quilt
Barn Quilt Hanging
Barn Quilt 3
Barn Quilt
We just had the last end of our old barn resided. That old weathered end of the barn had been staring at me for years. I’ve watched that barn age …