Pandemic Projects

In Creativity, Holiday, Projects by Brenda6 Comments

So, one would think that during a pandemic including a stay-at-home order, that I would have had time to make many, many blog posts. Well, apparently not! I thought I would show you what I HAVE been doing.  I have found the last year to possibly be the most productive year for me when it comes to creating my projects.  Would you like a peek?  I am sure I’ll forget something, but I’ll try to mention them all.  I could have made a blog post for each one, but then I would have probably only got half of the projects done!  It will take several posts to mention them all, so here goes…hope you enjoy it! (I will begin with a couple of pre-pandemic crafts, then move on.)

To celebrate my mom’s 80th birthday, we wanted to take a crafting class somewhere for the women in the family.  When we ran into problems finding the ideal place and ideal craft to suit all ages, I decided to work it out on my own. We saved some money that way, and had a homey atmosphere where we could relax and take our time. First, we went for breakfast to the Brick Rhod Bistro in Lewisburg. Then Missy hosted us in her basement, and I brought supplies so that we each could make a decorative pillow.

Early last year I took a paper-making class with some friends. We had a BLAST!  It was right before the pandemic, so do not panic. (and Tipp City) is the home of our teacher.  Allyson (Paper Alice) taught us how to take junk mail and maybe a little tissue paper and some spices to make some nice-looking homemade paper. I bought a kit and brought it home and made some paper.  It is fun!  My only problem is I do not know much what to do with it because I made a vow many years ago to not delve into the crafts that papermaking would complement.  But it is still VERY fun! I forgot to take pictures of our class that day, but enjoyed the day with Susan Josenhans, Lisa Bayer, and Corine Bevins.  We topped it off with lunch at Coldwater Café.  What a fun day! (Pictures are of the paper I made at home.)

In March, I was asked to design and produce a faux stained-glass panel for display at our Easter service at church.  Three others in the church did the same thing, and we all were given the same theme “new life” to lead us as we planned.  Each panel turned out very different and complimented the other.  It was a new adventure.  (As I joked with one of the others, “No pressure!  Use a new medium that you’ve never used before and display it in front of hundreds of your peers!”)  😊

My next project was a Mondo bag.  You have heard me speak of my friend Debbi.  Her husband Brent was generous we me and others with her crafting supplies.  I went into the sewing room and looked through some of her patterns and found the Mondo bag and some small square patches she had to make it.  It was an interesting process, and this bag was made with an unusual construction that helped me to think in differing ways.  It was a good brain exercise. (Maybe good for me during a pandemic!) I do not have a picture of the bag (and can’t take one now as it is in storage I can’t access), so will include a link if you want to see one. This link will show you a picture of one very similar to mine.  If you’re curious about the odd construction, I suggest you google it or look for a youtube video of how it is made.  You will see what I mean!

My grandson Nathan wanted to make a craft.  We found directions to paint fabric and then sew it together to make a windsock that looks like a fish blowing in the breeze.  It was a lot of fun as he did the painting, and I did the sewing.  We make a good team that way.  I believe it is still blowing in the breeze at his house.

With Easter quickly approaching, and no interest in shopping any more than I had to, I decided to look around the house and see what I could make for the kiddos.  I found the supplies I had purchased some years back to make seek-and-find bags.  It is basically making a fabric pouch, putting a vinyl window in it, and then filling it with plastic balls, mixing in with them some miniature trinkets for the child to squish the bag around to find.  I made one for each of the boys, and an extra to keep back for Christmas.

Another Easter sewing project was making masks.  Masks were new to us then, and so was the Pandemic.  Easter was smaller than usual too, as we were all keeping our distance.  I make masks for the extended family, so we could at least go over to my mom’s house that day and sit outside at a distance so we could visit.

I will see you soon for the next edition of Pandemic Projects!  Stayed tuned for a big purchase for my sewing room and also the finishing of what may be the largest sewing project of my life! As you can see, I have only documented through Easter.  More to come!


  1. I really enjoyed your ‘tour’ of projects. It looked and sounded like you made it all fun and exciting for all involved!

    God blessed you with so many gifts and you have graciously shared them with all of us.

  2. You have been busy with fun things! Such a variety of crafty things! Love the beautiful faux panel, what medium did you use? I can’t guess what it could be. Paper making, great lunch and such good company made paper making a great memory! Can’t wait to see your next project post.

    My pandemic year has been devoted to my house, refinishing wood floors, painting walls, multiple repairs and lots and lots of cleaning and tossing stuff.

    1. Author

      We used paint by Plaid called Gallery Glass. They gave us a frame with glass in it; we made the design and put it under the glass; then we applied the paint. It was fun after figuring it out. If you want something to look like stained glass, it is a good way to go.

      Keep up the good work at your new house! (More projects to come in my next blog!)

  3. Thanks for sharing, Brenda! LOVE your creativity, and also love that you share your creativity with us at The Joy & Whimsy Depot!

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