Pandemic Projects 4

In Creativity, family, farming, Projects, Quilts by Brenda4 Comments

Well, as I continue, I realize that I thought I would include many other projects that haven’t made the cut so far. I’ve decided to give them a quick nod with some photos and minimal explanation.  I did many cooking projects like making peach pie filling and peach ice cream and tried Brussel sprout slaw. I recreated a salad that was AMAZING that I had in Holmes County. I tried making an interesting chicken dish with bulgar wheat. (We loved it.) I took Timothy to do research on the Colville ancestors at the Ithaca graveyard; then later I took the oldest grandsons to a workshop at the Ithaca Cemetery to help clean the cemetery stones. I will add a few pics from these experiences, then move on to more projects. (I will leave out the pics of the never-ending experiments with my hairstyles as I have been trying to grow it out longer. It’s been decades since I’ve tried to do that!)

I started working at Haven, a cute gift and décor shop in Lewisburg, OH.  The owner is my friend Jacki Dolan.  I used to sub for her and her husband Eric at Miami Valley CTC back in my subbing days.  I’m so thankful for their friendship and now the opportunity to work at Haven on Saturdays (on an irregular basis).  This also gave me the chance to SEE PEOPLE, an important focus during the pandemic.  I made some things to sell in her shop.  First, I made infinity scarves out of faux fur I had found in Holmes County.  I also made some other winter scarves.  I made some “Bitsy Boxes” which are great to put on a key chain or purse to hold whatever (maybe a mask?).  I included some of the checkbook covers and the men’s wallets I made out of cork. I also tried my hand at a confetti quilt with a fall scene (I could explain that process if there is interest). It was fun to make some things for the shop. There are some of these still available at Haven.

I replanted and propagated my succulents.  If you want to know how there are about a million YouTube videos to teach you, I have learned.

And then on September 20, we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary.  It was right on the line this year with the start of harvest.  We enjoyed being spoiled by my Mother taking us out to Red Lobster to eat, and by my sister and brother-in-law at they sent some beautiful flowers (as did Jeannie Brumbaugh). Alex and Missy also spoiled us, knowing that the 40th was the “ruby” gift, we were treated to Ruby Tuesday’s gift certificates! Clever and much appreciated. Mike and I enjoyed it and spoiled each other a little too with gifts. We also received many cards and well-wishes.


As harvest ensued, we maintained our creativity however we could.  I loved what the boys did with the wagon tire!

I continued sewing by making more masks and trying my hand at making a ball cap (for Missy).  It was interesting but doubt I will make more.  (No pics on that one.  I forgot.)

In the fall, I did a project that I learned how to do in a workshop at Millers Flowers.  We took succulents and hot glued them to pumpkins.  It was strange (hot gluing living plants?) but they did quite well.  All you must do to maintain them is to mist them with water.  I took the succulents that I had been growing and did the same.  I fancied up some pumpkins as well as some pretty gourds and such.  They made nice gifts too.  It was fun to share them. I hope to make these to sell at Haven this fall also.

My sister-in-law was due to turn 70 this year, so I moved forward on my plan to make her a quilt out of pink ribbon fabric, as she is a breast cancer survivor.  Happy birthday, Sandy!

Well, I think it is safe to say that I will only have one more post of pandemic projects left.  I have saved two big projects to share this next time (and any stragglers if I find them). You have been very patient to share this journey with me.  I’m exhausted just logging this all for you!  I’ll see you soon with my final posting of Pandemic Projects!


  1. Such a wide range of projects, each unique and wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow! You do beautiful work and stay so busy. Love everything I’ve seen. Need to come visit you soon.
    When do you sit down? Love you.

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