Pondless Waterfall

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What a joy it has been this week to once again enjoy the sounds of the water rushing and tripping over the stones in our pondless waterfall. We built this almost 5 years ago in honor of our 30th anniversary. For years we had both enjoyed seeing them, and finally decided to have one built at our home. It was no small feat. We first considered doing it ourselves, but after reading about it, decided we needed help. We were involved in the process in many ways, but especially in choosing the stones.
We are farmers, and one of our crops over the year has been rocks. Yes, it seems they “grow.” One year you think you have picked them all up in a field, and the next year, there is a new crop. We have piles and piles of them strategically at the corner of this field or hiding in the fence line of that field. So for this project I hopped on the four-wheeler and Mike hopped on the backhoe and we went rock picking. I was the scout, pointing to the pretty ones that I wanted. Mike then would come in, scoop them up, and haul them home. So this waterfall isn’t just something pretty for us, but a collection of all of those rocks we had “growing” for years. Billy that did most of the waterfall construction told us it was probably the most beautiful selection of rocks he had ever had the opportunity to work with. I’m sure a result of the large amount we had to select from. The colors of the rocks show the best when they are wet, but are still beautiful any other time.
About a year ago, we started to find when running the pond that the pump was “sucking air” after it ran a short while. It was frustrating as it isn’t easy (seemingly impossible) to find a leak under countless boulders. After months of no result, we finally decided it was cheaper and simpler to just keep refilling it. But truly what happened was we just quit running it for the most part. I missed the sound of that babbling brook outside my window. But low and behold this week Mike stumbled upon what we soon realized was the problem. At one of the edges the lining had slipped too low and water was escaping, a much easier fix to deal with than a leak under the boulders. So once again we are back in business hearing the babbling brook. The grandsons are enjoying it too, as they love to toss pebbles into the stream.
As I pondered yesterday, I was thinking of how the Holy Spirit needs to flow through me. It made me wonder if sometimes when the Spirit should be flowing through me, if my pump was “sucking air?” The spirit flowing through me is called the “fruit of the spirit.” “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
These are not things that within our own power always happen. When I think I need to be more “kind” for example, the emphasis is put on me and my effort to be so. But what I need to do is step back and let the Holy Spirit answer situations that need attributes that are not coming naturally from this rebellious chick. Then the fruit of His Spirit flows through me. The emphasis is on Him and His work, not me and my effort. And the result is His, not mine. Then my life will reflect Him and not me.
Now as I hear that babbling brook outside my window, I can remember that it’s flowing once again. I hope I can also remember to keep living water flowing through me…not letting my pump “suck air.”

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