Barn Quilt 4

In A Date with God, Creativity, farming, Quilts by BrendaLeave a Comment

Well, do you remember the completion of my barn quilt over five weeks ago? It had PLENTY of time to dry well while planting season took over. In May all of the corn and beans were planted, and now the corn has been side-dressed. And all of this time, the barn quilt has patiently waited in the foyer for its time of glory–time to be hung. The special screws have been purchased (I found some coated ones that I’m hoping won’t lend to any rust.) I wanted to share its temporary home with you and its patience. It knows that if it nags to be hung, the hanger won’t be as happy to hang it, so it just sits obviously in the foyer, displaying its patience. For the hanging to take place, many factors need to be in place like weather, available men in my life, and scaffolding erected. I’m proud of my sign for displaying one of the fruits of the spirit. Patience.
In the meantime, I’m preparing for a speaking event at our church tomorrow night. I’m sharing my Date with God talk. Praying for the Spirit to touch hearts and lives.

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