Burdens are Things God Turns into Wings

In Faith, Quotes, Thoughts by Brenda3 Comments

After my last post, I was reminded of this poem that I’ve always liked by Helen Steiner Rice.  Enjoy….

Burdens Are Things

God Turns Into Wings

By Helen Steiner Rice

 from “Loving Promises”


“Oh for the wings of a bird,” we cry,

To carry us off to an untroubled sky

Where we can dwell untouched by care,

And always be free as a bird in the air—

But there is a legend that’s very old,

Not often heard and seldom told,

That once all birds were wingless, too,

Unable to soar through the skies of blue—

For, While their plumage was beautifully bright

And their chirping songs were liltingly light,

They, too, were powerless to fly

Until one day the Lord came by

And laid at the feet of the singing birds,

Gossamer wings as He spoke these words:

“Come take these burdens, so heavy now,

But if you bear them you’ll learn somehow

That as you wear them they’ll grow light

And soon you can lift yourself unto flight”—

So folding the wings beneath their hearts,

And after endless failures and starts,

They lifted themselves and found with delight,

The wings that were heavy had grown so light—

So let us, too, listen to God’s wise words,

For we are much like the “wingless birds,”

And if we would shoulder our daily trials

And learn to wear them with sunny smiles

We’d find they were wings that God had sent

To lift us above our heart’s discontent—

For THE WINGS that LIFT us out of despair,

Are made by God from the weight of care,

So whenever you cry for “the wings of a bird”

Remember this little legend you’ve heard

And let God give you a heart that sings

As he turns your burdens to “silver wings.”


  1. Recently as I’ve looked at the birds outside as they flit around I’ve found myself actually wishing for wings. I want to be free like the birds not bound to this old world. One night I dreamt the world ended and I was flying upwards. I remember saying excitedly to God, is it time to go? Sadly it was only a dream

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