Treasure from Holmes County, Ohio

In Creativity, farming by Brenda2 Comments

Well, I’ve been lax on blogging. Lots happening in life. Today is my first installment of catching up. I’ve missed you!

I made a quick trip to Holmes County in early August. A friend invited me to come with a group of women. The only reason I hesitated was that our third grandson was due at the same time. We decided Mike could keep the older grandsons until I got home if needed (if their parents went to the hospital). I decided to drive separately so I could be home in three hours if needed. While there, I also did some leg work in preparation for a trip to Holmes County that I was planning for a group of friends in September.

The treasure I found on this trip was unexpected. I stayed at Hotel Millersburg. That evening I took a walk down the middle of town. The stores were closed, but I could window shop and see if there was anything I wanted to come back and see the next day. I found a unique store called Modern Farmhouse. Out front on the sidewalk were several items including half of the blade from a windmill. It struck me, as I had an idea for it. I thought it would look awesome hanging on our barn. I took pictures, and sent them to Mike for consideration.


After he looked at the picture, I heard music to my ears, “Whatever makes you happy.”  So the next day, I went to the shop and purchased this monstrosity (4’ x 8’) to be picked up in a month on my next trip when we would have our truck. Check back for the installation of this with my next barn quilt….


  1. A wise husband always says, “Whatever makes you happy honey.” – Just sayin’

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